Prolecee -> RE: Azoospermija (21.4.2022 11:02:51)
Hvala ti Bicesuper. Imam jedno pitanje za vas. Odgovorio mi je Emre jutros na poruku, i bas sam se obradovala. Medjutim, on kaze da mu nisam poslala rezultat ukupnog testosterona. Evo odgovora: It is clear that your husband has non-obstructive azoospermia due to undescended testis one side and other side sperm production failure as well. He has High FSH levels but I do not understand his Total testosterone level because I did not see the unit (nMol/L ?). I would like to repeat his testosterone level, E2 while he is using nolvadex. In general, the success of sperm recovery in men with azoospermia due to undescended testis with Micro-TESE is 65%. I do not believe any of medical treatment increase sperm recovery success. Unless, the surgeon experience and the quality of laboratory are the most important factors. I would like to repeat his sperm analysis one more time in my lab. If you decide to proceed microTESE operation here. I want you to repeat only hormone profile and send it to me. Regards, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Bakircioglu Andrology/Urology Address: Hakki Yeten Caddesi No 19 Unimed Center 4th Floor Rezultati analiza koje sam mu poslala su sledeci: Insulin 9,7 TSH 2.15 FT4 16,1 FSH 29.8 Estradiol 23,8 LH 10.4 Prolactin 503 Testosteron 7.39 Free testosteron 13,5 INHIBIN B 96,84 (from 25) Kariotip 46,XY Mikrodeletion were not detected Da li mozda znate sta podrazumeva pod ukupnim testosteronom jer ja to ne kapiram, i da li se poslednja recenica odnosi na moj hormonski status, da uradim i posaljem mu?