Jele -> RE: Novi grip AH1N1 (17.11.2009 9:03:57)
Staviću još jednom informaciju o vakcinama koju sam našla na sajtu, pa molim nekog ko zna više o tome da prokomentariše ili da neku dodatnu informaciju. Dakle radi se o tome da se na dotičnom sajtu kaže da se Novartisova vakcina protiv svinjskog gripa daje deci starosne dobi preko 4 godine, dok vakcinu koja je odobrena za davanje bebama starosti od 6 meseci pa naviše proizvodi Sanofi Pasteur Inc. Citiram: H1N1 Vaccines Appropriate for Children There are several formulations of the H1N1 vaccine, and not all of them are approved for children or babies. The vaccine formulated by CSL Limited, for example, is only approved for adults age 18 and over. Following is a brief description of the various formulations of the vaccine: MedImmune Intranasal Vaccine: This vaccine is made with a living virus, which has been weakened in a laboratory in a process called attenuation. The virus is not strong enough to cause an actual infection, but is able to initiate an immune response when inhaled. This vaccine is appropriate for children above the age of two years. Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Limited: This vaccine is approved for anyone above the age of four years. The CDC recommends two injections with this vaccine for children between the ages of four and nine, spaced one month apart. Sanofi Pasteur, Inc.: This vaccine is approved for everyone, including infants over the age of six months. Between six months and 35 months, the manufacturer recommends two injections of .25 mL of vaccine, approximately one month apart. Between 36 months and nine years, the manufacturer recommends two injections of .5 mL of vaccine, approximately one month apart. For anyone over the age of 10 years, a single injection of .5 mL is sufficient. Read more ne verujem da bi ovi naši skotovi napravili takvu glupost da vakcinu koja nije za bebe daju bebama, ali niko o tome ništa ne govori. Uroš će uskoro 8 meseci i ne znam šta da radim.