vukosava -> RE: Prevodi (25.4.2011 19:41:38)
living IZVORNA PORUKA: bebać Možda ''''''''Život kroz partiju šaha'''''''' jer living je glagol i ovo -ing- na kraju obično označava duži tok radnje...kad se nešto radi u kontinuitetu,s tim mi ovaj gore naslov ima smisla,kad se prokonta...ima taj tok vremena,dešavanja... Diabla šta bi,jesil prevela?Nisam englez,ali sam ''''''''jaka'''''''' bila u gimnaziji,to mi je ujedno i diplomski bio[sm=smiley1.gif] LIVING –adjective 1.having life; being alive; not dead: living persons. actual existence or use; extant: living languages. or thriving; vigorous; strong: a living faith. 4.burning or glowing, as a coal. 5.flowing freely, as water. 6.pertaining to, suitable for, or sufficient for existence or subsistence: living conditions; a living wage. 7.of or pertaining to living persons: within living memory. 8.lifelike; true to life, as a picture or narrative. its natural state and place; not uprooted, changed, etc.: living rock. 10.very; absolute (used as an intensifier): to scare the living daylights out of someone. –noun 11.the act or condition of a person or thing that lives: Living is very expensive these days. 12.the means of maintaining life; livelihood: to earn one''''''''s living. 13.a particular manner, state, or status of life: luxurious living. 14.( used with a plural verb [image][/image] ) living persons collectively (usually preceded by the ): glad to be among the living. 15.British . the benefice of a clergyman. ziv, ziva, zivo zivljenje i sl varijacije