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   RE: Refluks (GER)
26.11.2010 19:24:20   
Snelle, objašnjavala je mina, čini mi se na prehodnoj stranici, da bebe koje bljuckaju/povraćaju nakon podoja, a ipak lepo jedu i napreduju, se zovu "happy spitters" i da to ne treba da zabrinjava roditelje previše.
Mada, lana ima 6 meseci, čudno je da se to tek sad manifestuje...ili nije čudnouser posted image
Javiće se valjda mina sutra pa će pojasnitiuser posted image

(odgovor članu Snelle)
  Direktna veza do poruke: 101
   RE: Refluks (GER)
26.11.2010 19:36:55   

Imam jedno glupo pitanje user posted image
Da li bebe sa Ger-om povraćaju u svim položajima, tj. i kada leže nakon obroka i kad sede....Moje dete u poslednjih mesec dana nakon svakog podoja povraća/bljucka, ali baš dosta. Ali to se dešava samo kad je odmah nakon podoja podignem. Ako je ostavim na krevetu da leži onda se ništa ne desi. Inače, jako lepo napreduje, pošto pretpostavljam da se i to uzima kao parametar za odredjivanje Ger-a.

Beba sa GERom povraca obilno, u mlazu, bilo da lezi ili da je neko drzi. Najvise povracaju u lezecem polozaju jer im se tako sadrzaj iz zeludca lakse vrati u jednjak i izleti van. Takva deca najmanje povracaju ako se posle obroka drze uspravno. Kod vas to sigurno nije slucaj. Em je beba vec dosta velika da bi se refluks sad manifestovao, em povraca samo kad je uspravljena. Moguce je da se prejede pa prosto izbaci visak.


Mina, persona non grata :)

Mišljenje je kao zadnjica - svako ga ima.I ne samo što ga ima, već ima i potrebu da skine gaće i drugima maše istim ispred nosa.

(odgovor članu Snelle)
Direktna veza do poruke: 102
   RE: Refluks (GER)
26.11.2010 21:52:03   
Argus, naručila sam mleko putem interneta, ali hvala veliko na ponudi. Inače, interesuje me koliko je tvoj bebac bio star kad se to dešavalo? Moj ne povraća, nema proliv, ni crvenilo, pa me malo to buni. SAMO ga muči podrigivanje, gasovi, kad leži podiže glavicu unazad, krče mu creva neprestano, pogotovo kad jede. Često mljacka kao da ga muči kiselina... Nadam se da je to rešenje naših problema. I još nešto, mislim da je ovoj temi itekako mesto ovde, jer u protivnom lično nikad ne bih došla na ideju da je reč o intoleranciji na laktozu, a simptomi su slični kao kod GER-a, tako da i ostale mame mogu na ovaj način da reše svoje probleme.

(odgovor članu Snelle)
Direktna veza do poruke: 103
   RE: Refluks (GER)
26.11.2010 21:59:11   
Vidiš draga ja sam upravo htela da pomognem, izgleda da nisi čitala moje postove jer sam svoju bebu spasila tih muka o kojima vi pričate i htela da vam pomognem. Mina priča o Ger-u i daje kontradiktorne savete te plaši majke koje su i onako pod stresom. Ger se može izlečiti i ne ostaje do kraje život, lek koji se daje bebama se zove Zantac. Što se tiče Ger-a dete ga prerasta do druge godine kada sfinkter ojača. Ishrana je mnogo bitna za decu koja imaju ger, banana, brokoli, sir samo povećavaju kiselinu u želucu bebe i stvara još veće problame a ona ako je nutricionista treba to da zna. A hranjenje bebe u snu može da izazove gušenje bebe, svaki doktur bi je poslao psihijatru da to čuje. Tek tada bebi uništava već načeti želudac jer beba mora da izbaci vazduh koji je progutala a ona ostavi bebu da spava tako. Da bi se ustanovio Ger treba mnogo znanja a i pretraga jer simptomi ger-a su isti kao int. na laktozu i neke vrste alergija a čak beba može da ima i kandidu u crevima pa da daje iste simptome. Zato smatram da nema pravo da ona postavlj dijagnozu kada nije stručna i priča o ishrani dece jer može da neku majku sludi pa napravi još veću glupost. Nadrilekarstvo je krivično delo koliko znam iz moje prakse. Poz


Srećna mama

(odgovor članu Lu)
Direktna veza do poruke: 104
   RE: Refluks (GER)
26.11.2010 22:04:31   
Oh tek sad videh kakve se raspravke vode ovdeuser posted image . Nadam se samo da se Argus predomislila vezano za napuštanje teme, jer je meni od velike pomoći. Ipak, mislim da je cela stvar otišla predaleko i da nema potrebe za ovakvim rečima i uvredama. Ovde smo da pomognemo jedne drugima, a ne da se dokazujemo i prepiremo. Iskreno, meni je neprijatno da čitam ovakve postove, a verujem i ostalim mamama koje posećuju ovu temu. 

(odgovor članu dak)
Direktna veza do poruke: 105
   RE: Refluks (GER)
26.11.2010 22:08:06   
Malo kasnim.user posted image Drago mi je da si tu. Čitala sam sve tvoje postove, nego nisam baš sve razumela.

(odgovor članu dak)
Direktna veza do poruke: 106
   RE: Refluks (GER)
26.11.2010 22:11:22   
Dak rekla sam da u ovoj temi neću učestvovat ali radi tebe šaljem ovu poruku, sve navedene simptome koje si opisala su isti bili. Kao što sam pisala trajali su dugo inače to izvijanje vratića medicinski zovu Sandiferov sindrom pa ga dovode u vezu s ger-om. Nije imala prol, ponekad je znala bljucnuti malo više. Ishrana je bila bazirana samo na kuvanim i pasiranim stvarima, sve što je izazivalo kiselinu sam izbacila pa sam joj tako olakšala da više nije bilo izvijanja ali je imala i dalje problema samo manjih a kada sam izbacila laktozu nastalo je blagostanje. Molim te piši mi priv. pa da ti dam savete za ishranu. poz


Srećna mama

(odgovor članu argus)
Direktna veza do poruke: 107
   RE: Refluks (GER)
26.11.2010 22:23:56   
Argus, prekini da pametujes i da stajes ljudima na muku!!!!
Dasi malo pratila, videla bi sta sam sve na ovu temu pisala. Dakle, moj sin pati od silent refluksa, tj tihog refluksa. Takva deca cesto razviju poseban oblik ponasanje-averziju prema jelu i sleep feeding. Piju lekove kao sto su anatacidi i inhibitori protonske pumpe. Moj sin pije Nexium, posto kod nas na trzistu neka Zantaca i Prevacida. Da znas kako izgleda kada dete ima averziju prema jelu, i da moras u snu da ga hranis, ne bi bila tako bezobrazba i bezobzirna.
Banana, kruska i papaja se narocito preporucuju takvoj deci. Kad budem stigla, postavicu linkove specijalizovanih ustanova iz inostranstva koje sve ovo navode, kad se vec meni ne veruje.
Ja imam gastroezofagealni refluks i dan danas, i moja mama ga ima. Imale smo ga ceo zivot i mucimo se sa gastritisima. Ponavljam, neka deca prerastu GER, neka ne.

< Poruku je uredio minavb -- 26.11.2010 22:27:34 >


Mina, persona non grata :)

Mišljenje je kao zadnjica - svako ga ima.I ne samo što ga ima, već ima i potrebu da skine gaće i drugima maše istim ispred nosa.

(odgovor članu argus)
Direktna veza do poruke: 108
   RE: Refluks (GER)
26.11.2010 22:34:57   
Sleep Feeding: Observations and Insights

By Jan Gambino, M.Ed.


I became interested in sleep feeding when parents started leaving messages on The HealthCentral Network (www.healthcentral.com/acid-reflux) message boards, where I moderate discussions and write a weekly blog on all aspects of parenting an infant, child or teen with Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER) or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Sleep feeding is the term used to describe a baby who needs to be drowsy or asleep to feed. Soon other parents were joining the discussion and in a short period of time, HealthCentral became SleepFeedingCentral with new parents typing in detailed descriptions of feeding their sleepy babies with reflux on a regular basis. As far as I can tell, the HealthCentral site has the largest repository of anecdotal information on sleep feeding that is available with approximately two dozen different, detailed sleep feeding stories, offering rich data. It is not clear if sleep feeding is on the rise or if the internet just provided the means for the information to be shared.

I need to disclose that I am neither a speech language pathologist nor a physician. I am a mom with extensive “on the job” training in caring for a child with GERD. I have provided support and information to hundreds of parents as a former associate director of a GERD patient support organization and lately as a freelance writer and author of a parents guide to coping with GER and GERD. In addition, I am an educator with extensive experience in early intervention/preschool special education. The purpose of this article is to define sleep feeding, identify characteristics and offer some possible treatment/management strategies. As an advocate for parents and children, I will also present the parents point of view of sleep feeding and its impact on the family.

What is Sleep Feeding?

Sleep feeding is the term used to describe feeding a drowsy or sleeping baby. Sleep feeding may be a normal process in the newborn period as many newborns begin a feeding in an alert state and gradually become drowsy and end the feeding in a light sleep. Suzanne Evan Morris, Ph.D., founder and director of New Visions (www.new-vis.com) stated, “When we begin to fall asleep, brain waves slow down and alert brain function decreases. The area of the brain that supports automatic, rhythmical sucking and swallowing remains active and strong at first, and then decreases as the baby moves to a deeper sleep.” (1) In addition, research has shown that swallowing decreases during sleep compared to when awake.

As an infant matures, “a parent may use sleep feeding to encourage a young infant to sleep through the night or decrease the number of night feedings. This is a parent driven process with the parent offering the bottle or breast to her sleeping infant just before going to bed. It is hoped that this late night feeding, sometimes referred to as a ‘top off feeding’ will decrease night time hunger. A baby who is moving from a 24 hour feeding schedule to a daytime only schedule may adjust with short term sleep feeding during the transition “(2).

A review of the literature found no research on sleep feeding however; there is extensive research on infant feeding and sleep patterns, feeding disorders and GER/GERD symptoms and treatments. In general, feeding disorders are thought to have multiple origins including medical, developmental and behavioral factors. It is not clear if sleep feeding is a feeding disorder, a symptom of reflux or something else.

Sleep Feeding and Reflux

An infant with GERD may experience difficulty with bottle feeding or nursing with typical symptoms including: pulling away, crying out and arching. It is thought that reflux pain and digestive discomfort may lead to feeding difficulties and the goal of treatment is to reduce pain and lessen other symptoms such as spit up and vomiting. However, it appears that some babies need to be drowsy or sleepy to accept the bottle or breast and exhibit the sleep feeding pattern as a reaction to pain. Sleep feeding probably stems from many causes, most notably the pain from GERD and also from a combination of sensory issues, food allergies/intolerances, dysphagia and behavior/ learned patterns.

In an attempt to define sleep feeding, I would like to suggest the following definition:

“Sleep feeding is the term used to describe feeding a drowsy or sleeping infant due to digestive pain/discomfort caused by Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and related conditions.” Sleep feeding is not harmful and may provide a short term feeding strategy while the underlying cause of sleep feeding is determined.

Further, I propose a continuum of feeding problems associated with GER and GERD:

Level 1: Happy Spitter: The happy spitter is a baby with GER. She nurses or drinks easily, then regurgitates a small amount or the entire meal without pain or discomfort.

Level 2: Poor eating- As characterized by fussing, pulling on and off the breast or bottle and arching during a feeding. This is by far the most common pattern associated with GERD.

Level 3: Feeding Aversion-A pattern of poor eating that persists, leading to weight loss or poor weight gain. The baby may experience sensory/swallowing symptoms such as: choking, gagging and painful swallowing.

Level 4: Feeding Refusal/Feeding Strike-Is characterized by a baby who demonstrates poor eating and feeding aversion. In addition, he/she decides that feeding is just too painful and attempts to “fix” the problem by refusing all nourishment by mouth.

When a baby gets to the point of feeding refusal, there is a desperate attempt to offer nourishment. Parents have reportedly tried spoons, syringes, cups and even droppers to get a bit of liquid in. When all else fails, a parent will report these worrisome symptoms to the doctor or go to the emergency department. The doctor will evaluate the infant and rule out other causes for feeding refusal (illness, allergy, intolerance, and dysphagia). If a baby is dehydrated from prolonged feeding refusal, the infant may be hospitalized for observation, evaluation/testing or IV fluids. Often a parent is send home with GER/GERD home care instructions such as holding upright after feeding, small, frequent meals, dietary changes and perhaps medication. Some infants are referred to a lactation specialist, speech language pathologist or occupational therapist for intervention. In most cases, the baby improves and begins taking nourishment again. Unfortunately, a small subset of babies continues to struggle with feeding and their desperate parents stumble upon sleep feeding.

Parents Perspective

As each and every meal results in digestive discomfort, the baby will resist and the parents will struggle to adapt the feedings and manipulate the environment to successfully nourish the baby.

Parents on the HealthCentral website often describe similar feeding experiences:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->“I have to wait until he is asleep to feed him.”
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->“When I lean her back in my arm to give her the bottle she cries.”
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->“If I show him the bottle, he turns away and arches his back.”
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->“When he is almost asleep, I can slip the bottle in his mouth for the feeding. “
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->“It is getting harder and harder to feed him now that he naps less during the day. “

Parents experience a great deal of stress and anxiety about their inability to provide nourishment for their children. When they stumble upon sleep feeding, there is often a sense of relief. Within a short period of time, relief is replaced by new worries as sleep feeding becomes the only way their baby will eat. Parents often encounter questions and concerns from family members and friends who offer little understanding or support for the baby’s feeding difficulties and need to eat while drowsy or asleep. Further, physicians may not understand the feeding pattern. If the baby is well nourished and growing from the vigilant efforts of a sensitive caretaker, the doctor may assume that there is not a medical or feeding problem. In addition, the doctor may conclude that the parent is having difficulty regulating the baby’s sleep and feeding schedule and may instruct the parent to “teach” or “train” the baby to behave differently. This message conveys feeling of confusion and inadequacy as well as stress and anxiety. Unfortunately, some parents have felt compelled to “teach” the baby to eat and may withhold nourishment for hours at a time to induce hunger or force the baby to take a bottle, further strengthening the behavioral resistance to feeding.

I believe that sleep feeding emerges as a result of a sensitive, observant caretaker who carefully reads the baby’s cues, observes subtle changes in behavior and instinctively helps the baby by swaddling, rocking, feeding in a quiet, dark place and even waiting until the baby is drowsy but not asleep to initiate feeding. Caretakers often report feeling of isolation as they must adjust their schedules around getting the baby to sleep or feeding the baby in a specific area so the baby will sleep feed. One mother reported that she needed to sit in a closet with the door closed to get her baby to eat. Other parents take turns staying up at night to feed their baby or set the alarm to wake up at intervals to initiate feedings so the baby can make up for missed feedings while awake during the day.

Parents and specifically mothers may experience feelings of sadness or inadequacy due to the struggles with sleep feeding. By day, the baby is in no distress and will smile, play and cuddle. Friends and family see a healthy, happy, well nourished baby. That is unless she is presented with a bottle whereupon the baby will turn away, cry, arch and become upset. One mother reported that her baby didn’t want to be held because the baby thought the mother was going to initiate a feeding. Other babies cry out even when placed in a semi reclined position on the caretakers lap. Many mothers have attempted nursing and quit with the belief that the baby “did not like my milk” or “my milk was causing so much pain”.

The caregiver burden is significant when a baby will only eat when drowsy or asleep. Several parents have hired a nanny or asked a relative to live with the family to assist with running the household and offering support. The entire schedule is planned around naps, getting the baby to fall asleep or arranging the environment for optimal feeding (decreasing noise and distractions, darkening the room, turning off the TV and phone) to initiate feeding and then slowly getting the baby to suck on the bottle by rotating the bottle in the baby’s mouth. The sleep feeding sessions are often long and only result in a small overall intake.

The connection and feelings of relief are enormous when a parent stumbles upon an online discussion such as the HealthCentral Network discussion board and discovers that he/she is not alone and he/she isn’t the only person in the world with a baby who needs to sleep feed.

What we know

One member of the HealthCentral Network community, Archana Sudame took it upon herself to talk with as many caretakers of sleep feeding babies as possible and compiled information on the condition.

Based on her careful inquiries and from speaking to physicians and feeding therapists (speech language pathologists, occupational therapist), it seems that babies who sleep feed have the following characteristics:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Sleep feeding occurs in otherwise healthy infants.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Sleep feeding is an accepted short term feeding intervention for a baby with GERD as the medical team and feeding team explore treatment options and address the underlying pain/discomfort.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Sleep feeding begins before 4 months of age.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Prompt/effective medical treatment and reintroduction of awake feeding before 4-6 months may lead to resolution of sleep feeding.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Untreated or unresolved sleep feeding that persists beyond 6 months of age may lead to a pattern of pain response/behavior that requires feeding therapy/intervention in addition to medical treatment.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Sleep feeding usually resolves when an infant or toddler transitions to solids and learns to drink from a cup, usually between 9-15 months.


The medical team needs to identify medical/sensory/behavioral conditions that have lead to or perpetuated sleep feeding.

These include:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->GER/GERD
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Milk Soy Protein Intolerance
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Food allergies/intolerances
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Dysphagia
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Sensory Processing
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Oral Motor/feeding disorders/delayed feeding skills
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Illness
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Constipation
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Behavior: learned behavior, reaction to pain.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Family: maternal depression, support, parenting skills.

The medical team needs to work with the family to diagnose and treat the underlying medical causes of sleep feeding. It appears that prompt evaluation and treatment of the underlying cause of the sleep feeding may turn off the pain/discomfort and allow a young baby (under 4 months of age) to rapidly resolve sleep feeding. A lactation specialist or a feeding specialist may offer vital assistance to caregivers and help to reverse the sleep feeding. A speech language pathologist may assist the doctor in assessing the feeding pattern to rule out an oral motor problem. A few babies need nasogastric or gastrostomy tube feedings to supplement sleep feeding and maintain weight gain. If the sleep feeding does not resolve despite aggressive medical treatment, referral to a feeding therapist or feeding clinic may be necessary. During the treatment, parents need ongoing, intensive support and reassurance from the medical team and referral to a patient support network.

Sleep feeding seems to run its course during the first year as the baby moves from bottle or breast to eating solids from a spoon and drinking from a cup. Early intervention to promote early acceptance of the spoon and cup may help a baby resolve sleep feeding before one year of age. Parents may need assistance to develop strategies to gradually help the baby move away from sleep feeding. Strategies may include: offering an empty bottle, spoon or cup for play and exploration, offering the bottle or breast at intervals while awake and gradually lessening the environmental modifications (from a darkened room to a dimly lit room). Some babies benefit from music, white nose, movement (rocking chair) and singing. Most babies gradually move toward cup and bottle drinking by day and require supplemental sleep feeding at night to ensure the proper intake of nutrients and fluids. Parents, doctors and feeding therapists all agree that sleep feeding babies present many challenges for intervention. The goal of intervention is often supportive as the infant gradually moves toward eating while awake.


There is a great need for research on sleep feeding to identify the causes, natural course and treatment /intervention. It is likely sleep feeding has several causes and may be multi factorial in nature. Food allergies, intolerances and infant GERD appear to be on the rise and may be a factor in causing/perpetuating sleep feeding. A recent study found that babies with symptoms of GERD often have dysphagia (3). Perhaps fear of choking or dysphagia causes some babies to literally shut down so they can manage to slowly and carefully suck and swallow.

As an early childhood special education teacher, I often deal with feeding issues since there is such a strong correlation between feeding disorders and developmental disorders. With the increase in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and the associated feeding and sensory issues, it is possible that some of the infants who sleep feed may be presenting with early sensory/processing problems that will later result in a diagnosis of ASD.

In the meantime, parents and doctors need to communicate effectively to describe and quantify feeding patterns that warrant further investigation and treatment. I spend a great deal of time helping parents to take a snapshot of a typical day by keeping a journal. A well organized list will help a sleepy, stressed parent with a fussy baby effectively communicate symptoms and concerns during the short time parents and doctors are together and may lead to a serious discussion about the feeding pattern. At the same time, physicians, lactation specialist and others who interact with new parents and newborns need to be aware of the signs and symptoms of GER; GERD and feeding patterns such as sleep feeding that are worrisome. If a parent report that the baby doesn’t like to eat, turns away from the bottle or refuses the bottle, the medical team needs to make further inquiries and follow up to ensure the underlying problem is identified and addressed. It is discouraging that pediatricians still have limited knowledge of the NASPGHAN guidelines for evaluation and treatment of GER in infants and children despite efforts to increase awareness of the treatment guidelines(4).

The pendulum is swinging as it always does in medicine. In the past, infant GERD was believed to be under-treated and diagnosed. With the increased availability of new medications (specifically PPI’s) for infants and children, there is a great deal of concern that all babies who present with GER symptoms are being administered strong medication for a non medical problem. A multi center, double blind placebo controlled trial of PPI’s for the treatment of infant reflux demonstrated that half the babies treated with PPI’s showed improvement. Surprisingly, half the babies in the control group also improved (5). While the new research greatly increases the medical team’s ability to offer safe and effective treatment, it appears that physicians need access to this important information. There is a trend toward diagnosing and treating food allergies and intolerances in infants and the careful, short term use of GERD medications for some infants.

I have found that parents and doctors have limited awareness of the role of the feeding specialist in caring for an infant with GERD, sleep feeding and associated feeding issues. At the same time, not every community has a feeding clinic or SLP or OT who specializes in working with infant feeding disorders.

I recently published a book on parenting an infant or child with reflux. Reflux 101: A Parent’s Guide to Gastroesophageal Reflux (Lulu, 2008) helps parents communicate with the medical/feeding team and gives parents the tools they need to implement the home care program that is vital to successful GER and GERD treatment. Often a busy doctor or a health clinic does not provide the time or follow up to ensure that the caregivers understand the home care plan and have the resources to carry out the plan. Parents need information, support and hope to take care of a baby in distress and help their baby grow and thrive. This is especially true for a baby with reflux who must be drowsy or asleep to take in nourishment.



Mina, persona non grata :)

Mišljenje je kao zadnjica - svako ga ima.I ne samo što ga ima, već ima i potrebu da skine gaće i drugima maše istim ispred nosa.

(odgovor članu minavb)
Direktna veza do poruke: 109
   RE: Refluks (GER)
26.11.2010 22:39:01   
  Mina , draga , ne nerviraj se !
Ti si vec dugo ovdje , svi smo svjedoci da si pomogla svima ko je to zatrazio  i tvoje znanje niko ne moze dovesti u pitanje!



(odgovor članu minavb)
Direktna veza do poruke: 110
   RE: Refluks (GER)
26.11.2010 22:41:05   
Nedjo i Mina, veliko hvala na odgovoru user posted image


"Nemoj da plačeš, tu je tvoja seka"
"Bato, puno te volim"

(odgovor članu minavb)
Direktna veza do poruke: 111
   RE: Refluks (GER)
26.11.2010 22:44:44   
Minauser posted image
Čitala sam ovo,i trudila se da ostanem neutralna,ali ne moguuser posted image
Zašto neki ljudi unose nemir,i uzburkavaju tuđa osećanjauser posted image Posle se prave ankete,i cure se žale kako novi članovi nisu dobrodošli,kako ih stare forumašice bojkotuju itd...Ali kako sa se lepo prihvati neko ko vređa tuđe znanje o obrazovanje,i uporno se prepire bez da je ičim podstaknut na to.
Mina je jedna divna devojka,i divna majka pre svega.Ja joj se divim kako je jaka,hrabra i staložena uprkos problemu njenog sina i kako se ona jako nosi sa time.Devojka je jaka i istrajna i odlučna da radi sve najbolje za svoju bebu,a verujem da mu pruža svoj maksimum.Nije lako svaki dan hraniti bebu u snu,i brinuti se da li će povratiti,i hoće li i koliko napredovati.Mnoge su to neprospavane noći i veliki trud da umesto kad uspava dete i ona legne opusti se odmori i naspava...ona umesto toga bude budna,hrani svoje dete i bdije nad njim da li će povratiti ili ne.Verujem da je to jako napeto,i nema potrebe za dodatnom napetošću.Ovde smo da se družimo,međusobno pomaženo i sklapamo lepa prijateljstva.Mina je izvrstan nutricionista i to se da zaključiti iz svakog njenog posta na tu temu,a osoba koja "laže"da je ono što jeste nebi znala tako pametno i razumno da piše.I ne vidim razloga zašto se takva divna osoba dočekuje"pod nož".
Pišite cure,delite savete,hrabrite se u problemima,lakše je kad čovek zna da nije sam u svojoj muci i da uvek ima podršku od nekoga.Nema potrebe za svađom,prepirkom i zadiranjem u tačnost nečijeg obrazovanja,ili još gore kad čitaš između redova da smatraš da neko nije dobra majka svom detetu,a ona je super majka,i najbolja svom detetu.


ovom prolaznom svetu,mi smo samo osobe vise,
a jedno drugom,mi smo citav svet!

(odgovor članu minavb)
Direktna veza do poruke: 112
   RE: Refluks (GER)
26.11.2010 22:49:12   
Ne nerviram se. Nervira me samo kad ne uspem dete da nahranim, sve ostalo je nevazno.user posted image  
Dacouser posted image
Inace, nas tri na RR imamo decu koja piju u snu. Da mi nije drbubi, da me digne kad padnem, odavno bih siznula.

< Poruku je uredio minavb -- 26.11.2010 22:52:43 >


Mina, persona non grata :)

Mišljenje je kao zadnjica - svako ga ima.I ne samo što ga ima, već ima i potrebu da skine gaće i drugima maše istim ispred nosa.

(odgovor članu Snelle)
Direktna veza do poruke: 113
   RE: Refluks (GER)
26.11.2010 22:59:13   
Mina ako ti je za utjehu da ti ispricam neki dan sam bila sam sa jednom majkom ciji je sin imao GER kao i Vanja. Rekla mi je da je non stop povracao i pio je neke lijekove ne znam tacno koje. Kaze da nije dobijao na kilazi nego je samo onako stajala kilaza. Sada ima 1 i po godinu  i super jede. Bili smo na rodjendanu a mali je pojeo dva komada torte i najeo se zeljanice.Doci ce i tvojim mukama kraj  ubrzo.

(odgovor članu minavb)
Direktna veza do poruke: 114
   RE: Refluks (GER)
26.11.2010 23:06:34   
Hvala indy, mora da prodje jednog dana, samo je tesko. Imam srece pa napreduje i sa ovo malo mleka koje popije.
Inace, od svega mi je najteze to sto moram da ga budim da podrigne i da bi ponovo spavao za sledeci obrok.user posted image


Mina, persona non grata :)

Mišljenje je kao zadnjica - svako ga ima.I ne samo što ga ima, već ima i potrebu da skine gaće i drugima maše istim ispred nosa.

(odgovor članu indy_25)
Direktna veza do poruke: 115
   RE: Refluks (GER)
26.11.2010 23:13:03   
. A hranjenje bebe u snu može da izazove gušenje bebe, svaki doktur bi je poslao psihijatru da to čuje.

user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image Neznam kao sve one bebe na institutu preživeše hranjenje u snu jer upošte neznaju i da postoji hrana u budnom stanju,i moje dete koje je do 2 meseca jelo u snu jer je bila budna samo kada se kupa i presvlači.
Morala sam da prokomentarišem. Ako se neko ne slaže sa tim što neko radi ili daje svom detetu da jede nek to ne primenjuje na svom ili na fin način pokuša da dopre do te osobe.
Teške reči nisu dobro došle nigdje.U svakom slučaju bez obzira šta neka majka davala svom detetu ja bez konsultacije sa pedijatrom ne dajem ništa tako da sve pročitam opa ono što me zainteresuje ja pitam pa primenim i smatam da Mina ni na jednu majku neće uticati u negativnom smislu,čak šta više od velike je pomoći.
Niko nije lud igrati se zdravljem svog deteta.

(odgovor članu argus)
Direktna veza do poruke: 116
   RE: Refluks (GER)
26.11.2010 23:13:50   
Vidim da ovde izvrćete reči, pobogu ko spori materinstvo, neka ona deli savete koliko hoće ali ne da nekome popuje i ispravlja ga u njegovom mišljenju. To što se muči, pa muče se sve majke za svoju decu a neprave se pametne. U svakom postu je mirodjija, kolko vidim forum nije samo za stare članove i ne žale se mladji članovi djaba. Devojke niko nije pokupio sav mozak ovoga sveta, ger je nasledan i to treba da zna dotična a ne da nam drži časove iz engleskog jezika, možda neko ne zna engleski . Želim  njoj i bebi brz oporavak i da poštuje i tudja mišljenja a ne svoja. Ima nas još koji smo se namučili možda više nego ona, pa ne popujemo i ne učimo druge. Žao mi je ali me je počela iritirati sa onim da ona nikada ne bi jela ne prskano a kamoli dala svom detetu, tj. mi smo bolesnici što dajemo deci ne prskano a ona je dobra majka. Žao mi je nisam poltron i ulizica


Srećna mama

(odgovor članu minavb)
Direktna veza do poruke: 117
   RE: Refluks (GER)
27.11.2010 2:11:10   
Evo jos malo o GER-u i uvodjenju cvrste hrane

Feeding a Baby with Infant Reflux Solid Foods - Tips and Information

Does your baby have infant reflux or is she just a "happy spitter"?

Learn about infant reflux and introducing solid foods to a reflux baby.

Below are the most common signs and symptoms of Infant Reflux:
Irritability when feeding
Arching back when feeding
Refusing food or eating only small amounts
Frequent vomiting
Sudden or constant crying
Wet burps - when your baby burps and fluid escapes from the mouth
Slow growth
Weight loss
Spells of not breathing

Infant reflux may also manifest with symptoms such as continual coughing or gagging, poor sleep habits, difficulty swallowing and frequent hiccups. Medical experts say that most young infants will spit-up between 1-3 times a day; this is normal and should not be taken as a sole indicator of infant reflux.

What is Infant Reflux? Is GERD the Same as Infant Reflux (GER)?

Did you know that more than 50% of all babies between the age of newborn to 3 months old will have reflux? For most of these babies, the reflux will disappear on its own and not need drastic medical intervention. Infant reflux affects both formula fed as well as breastfed babies however it is less common in breastfed babies. Infant reflux without the need for medical intervention is known as GER.

GER refers to Gastrosophageal Reflux and is a condition in which "food or liquid travels backwards from the stomach to the esophagus (the tube from the mouth to the stomach). This action can irritate the esophagus, causing heartburn and other symptoms such as spitting up. Gastroesophageal reflux is a common condition that often occurs without symptoms after meals. In some people, the reflux is related to a problem with the lower esophageal sphincter, a band of muscle fibers that usually closes off the esophagus from the stomach. If this sphincter doesn''t close properly, food and liquid can move backward into the esophagus and may cause the symptoms." NIH

GERD is the same condition as GER however GERD will be a severe form of GER that will require medical treatment. Oftentimes GERD will interfere more with baby''s overall health, including weight loss, due to the vomiting and poor eating habits stemming from the pain and discomfort when feeding.

What Types of Solid Foods are Best for a "Reflux" baby?
Thus far, there are no solid food guidelines that have been developed solely for the reflux baby. Many pediatricians do suggest that reflux babies avoid foods that are acidic, such as citrus and tomato. These acidic foods should not be introduced until an infant is 12 months of age anyway due to the acidity. Here are a few of the recommendations for introducing solids for the reflux baby:
Rice or other cereal - many pediatricians recommend that reflux babies be fed cereal mixed with their formula to help keep the formula down. The weight of the cereal helps keep the formula in baby''s tummy. You should consult your pediatrician prior to trying cereal in the bottle as it is a dangerous practice and recommended only in severe instances.
Avocado, pears and bananas tend to be good first foods for reflux babies. Avocado is dense and high in important nutrients and fats. Pears are very low in acidity and are easily digested. Studies have shown that Bananas have a mucosal property that actually aids in digestion.
Feeding the Reflux Baby Solid Foods
Making homemade baby food is particularly great for a baby who has reflux. You will be better able to control exactly what your baby is eating and stay away from hidden fillers and possible irritants.
When feeding a baby with reflux, you should try to follow these tips:
Always feed your reflux baby in a upright position. This will help the food or liquid "stay down".
Do not lay your baby down directly after baby has been fed.
Space out baby feedings of both solid foods and liquid foods into smaller more frequent feedings. This will help the reflux baby keep the foods in the tummy and also will aid in digestion. It is far easier for a reflux baby to digest small amounts as opposed to large amounts.
Avoid dairy products, even yogurts and cheeses.

< Poruku je uredio Jeca RR -- 27.11.2010 13:04:20 >


Mina, persona non grata :)

Mišljenje je kao zadnjica - svako ga ima.I ne samo što ga ima, već ima i potrebu da skine gaće i drugima maše istim ispred nosa.

(odgovor članu Nensi*)
Direktna veza do poruke: 118
   RE: Refluks (GER)
27.11.2010 12:31:46   
Ona pokushava sve nas koji imamo bebe sa refluksom da ubedi da to nije refluks nego intolerancija na laktozu...bash kako njeno dete ima....

Ja sam eto provela dane u bolnici dok mom detetu nije ustanovljenr efluks...a u bolnici smo zavrshili jer je tako povratila da je udahnula i zaradila upalu pluca od udahnutog mleka.... sve savete koje je i mina pisala....sam dobila od nachelnika dechijeg odeljenja u bolnici... A zahvaljujuci mini sam za "dlaku" izbegla da mi dete razvije averziju prema jelu....A problem nas prolazi otkad jedemo kashice....pa izmedju ostalog i taj brokoli i prskanu jabuku za koju si se ti tako uhvatila....

Svako ima drugachija iskustva i misljenja...ako sam ja u pravu ne znachi da ti nisi...i obrnuto....

Morala sam da se ukljuchim jer ovo prerasta svaku meru normalnog i zdravog razgovora...

(odgovor članu gagana83)
  Direktna veza do poruke: 119
   RE: Refluks (GER)
27.11.2010 12:41:43   
Žene, želim vam da što pre vaša deca počnu da jedu i da prestanete da se sekirate oko toga, a to što su neke žene nevaspitane, to nije vaša stvar i bolje je i ignorisati tako nešto.


Zgodna nisam, ali nezgodna jesam

...and all I can do is try

(odgovor članu Anoniman)
Direktna veza do poruke: 120
   RE: Refluks (GER)
27.11.2010 12:45:26   
nema potrebe za raspravom...rekla sam nekoliko puta meni je dijagnostikovan refluks,bas onakav kakav imaju i bebe....naravno da je sve intolerancija na hranu ,jer zeludac nema odredjene enzime da svari odredjene elemente hrane...Rusi stomak zovu -ZIVOT i to nije bez razloga tako....u ishrani je kljuc izlecenja svega sto nam se desava...pa cak i dijete postoje za decu sa autizmom ,pa za dijabetes ,pa za epilepsije,pa kada su prehladjena....pa ne daj Boze cancer....mislim ne znam zasto se pravi pitanje oko osnovnog modela zakljucivanja....kroz hranu covek unosi sve ono sto mu je neophodno da bi ziveo...i svako telo ima svoj program kako to i koliko radi...mislim da bi mame trebale da odustanu od ove INSTANT medicine i da povedu racuna o unosu hrane kako sebi tako i deci...a ne DAJ PILULU I PROBIOTIK KAPSULU I OSTALA ****...NISTA SE NE RESAVA U JEDNOM DANU...kada dajete deci te ogavne probiotske kapsule -niste svesni da prirodni enzimi koji su duzni da odrade f -ju probiotika odumiru i sta onda?naravno deca imaju probleme sa varenjem sve dok jednog dana ne porastu i ne uzmu zivot u svoje ruke i promene komplet nacin zivota...dakle aplujem na mame -manite se corava posla i instant resenja...a ne kad dodje kuku -lele ajmo na dijete...nase telo je nas hram zdravlja -isto je sa decom....ne znam da li sam vec pomenula ,izvinjavam se ako se ponavljam,sve sto majka pojede koja doji dete ,naravno ide i u njeno mleko...dakle alergeni prolaze i tamo...ne znam zasto se neke zene cude "zasto"...probajte da nadjete probiotski jogurt od soje -mene je spasao..jako je lagan i pokrece fino stomak....

< Poruku je uredio anuksunamun -- 27.11.2010 12:51:18 >

(odgovor članu Anoniman)
Direktna veza do poruke: 121
   RE: Refluks (GER)
28.11.2010 13:27:53   
Minin bebac i Smeshkicine devojcice klopaju sve bolje user posted image  Pupupupupu user posted image
Citajte ODAVDE.

< Poruku je uredio Alexx RR -- 2.12.2010 11:10:24 >


Do not speak - unless it improves on silence.

(odgovor članu gagana83)
Direktna veza do poruke: 122
   RE: Refluks (GER)
2.12.2010 12:26:01   
Refluks mame, pisite kako gurate. Lakse nam je zajednouser posted image


Mina, persona non grata :)

Mišljenje je kao zadnjica - svako ga ima.I ne samo što ga ima, već ima i potrebu da skine gaće i drugima maše istim ispred nosa.

(odgovor članu *Alexx*)
Direktna veza do poruke: 123
   RE: Refluks (GER)
3.12.2010 14:26:25   
Otkljucana temauser posted image
Ja sam pocela da se izmuzavam i bebi da dajem moje mleko na flasicu i mogu vam reci da mi je tako mnogo lakse.Imam uvid u to koliko je pojela a i taman ubacim pirincane pahuljice.Jedino cu morati,makar na par dana,da joj izbacim aptamil ar jer od njega ne moze da kaki,namuci se zivauser posted image  A i toliko se nervira sa njim,zato sto je gusto pa tesko vuce(iako imamo sve vrste cucli-od najmanje do najvece rupice).
Inace,primecujem da nekako sve 'jace' povraca.Valjda je veca pa kad krene mlaz dobaci bas daleko.I tad se ziva isprepadam i zbog toga sam uzasno nervozna i neraspolozena,nekad bih plakala od muke.

(odgovor članu minavb)
Direktna veza do poruke: 124
   RE: Refluks (GER)
3.12.2010 14:38:20   
N vredi plakati (kazem ja tebi a i sama cmizdrim svaki dan). Guras dalje, jednom mora da prodje. Ja sam jutros taman pomislila-super sad sve redje povraca, i on se zagrcnu dok je pio mleko i povrati. Nije puno povratio, ne vise od 20-30ml, ali opet je moglo i bez toga. Evo, rucak je pojeo 120g i lepo podrignuo.


Mina, persona non grata :)

Mišljenje je kao zadnjica - svako ga ima.I ne samo što ga ima, već ima i potrebu da skine gaće i drugima maše istim ispred nosa.

(odgovor članu ivaj)
Direktna veza do poruke: 125
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Neverovatan trik: uspavajte bebu za jedan ...
Internetom kruži neobičan trik. Jedan tata, koji je na sve moguće načine pokušavao da uspava bebu, to je i uspeo sa veom...
Zdravstveni problemi nedonoščadi
Prevremeno rođene bebe, manje su po konstituciji i težini, i mogu imati zdravstvenih problema.


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