16.03.2012, 11:01
16.03.2012, 11:24
16.03.2012, 13:05
16.03.2012, 16:20
Of the 16 infants a history of birth trauma was reported in 10 of the cases. Upon examination, upper cervical (neck) subluxations were determined to be present in all 16 cases. In this study chiropractic care was rendered for 2 to 6 weeks on the various infants with all patients showing a complete resolution of their symptoms in that time frame.
Dr. Erin Elster, a chiropractor and the author of the study, explained the relationship between subluxation and colic or acid reflux by saying, "Research is revealing that injuries to the upper part of the neck may be a factor in a number of disorders. These injuries lead to misalignments in the neck that may compress the spinal cord and other nerve structures in the neck. This compression leads to nerve interference and can result in a host of disorders such as colic and acid reflux”.
Dr. Matthew McCoy a chiropractor, public health researcher and editor of the journal that published the study added, "It makes a lot of sense when you think about it. "If you damage or compress the neurological structures in the neck this can have far reaching implications on the functioning of the body. Through research like Dr. Elster’s we are finding that correcting the misalignments associated with these injuries reduces the nerve compression and people improve. In this study it was infants suffering from colic and acid reflux.”
In her conclusions the author, Dr. Elster wrote, "These results suggest a causal link between birth trauma, upper cervical injury, and colic / acid reflux onset. Correcting the injury to the upper cervical spine (with chiropractic adjustments) appears to eliminate colic and acid reflux."
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