Ana RR
IZVORNA PORUKA: tatjan@ Evo neceg sto sam ja pronasla a nisam primetila da se spominje na ringeraji, neka me moderatori isprave ako nije tako.. Primetila sam dugim pracenjem bazalne temperature da imam defekat lutealne faze-iliti skracenu lutealnu fazu. Trebalo bi da je izmedju 11-16 dana a meni traje 8-9-10 dana, i saznala sam da to moze da bude problem kod zaceca. Posto ja ne bi da pijem hormone, pokusala sam da nadjem da li postoji neki prirodniji nacin da se to regulise i nasla sam dva resenja, prirodna progesteronska krema ili vitamin B6. Posto prirodna progesteronska krema (na biljnoj bazi) je kod nas malo teza za nabavku a i kosta puno (oko 2000 din), odlucila sam se za vitamin B6 ( Bedoxin tablete 20mg, pijem ih tri dnevno, znaci 60mg). Evo i clanka gde sam ovo nasla i procitala, kasnije cu ga i prevesti, sad nemam vremena. Kazite mi sta mislite o ovome? Ja cu u vakom slucaju javiti rezultate.. Increasing Fertility and Relieving PMS with Vitamin B6 Mar 28, 2000 - © Lori Ramsey Vitamin B6 is also known as pyridoxine and is water soluble. It can be found in yeast, whole grains, legumes, liver, eggs, cereal, meat and fish. All the vitamins work together to keep a body healthy, but vitamin B6 goes one step beyond. It helps with fertility. Vitamin B6 Lengthens the Luteal Phase Vitamin B6’s main role as a fertility vitamin is to treat the luteal phase defect. A luteal phase defect is one of the most easily treated causes of infertility. (As an added bonus, B6 also helps with PMS. See Web MD for an in-depth article about treating PMS naturally.) A luteal phase defect is when the luteal phase (the time from ovulation to menstruation) is less than 10 days. Ideally, the luteal phase would be 11-16 days. A luteal phase that is too short cannot maintain a pregnancy, usually resulting in miscarriage if measures aren’t taken to lengthen the luteal phase. You can detect a luteal phase defect by charting your basal body temperatures. This may take a month or two to figure out, but it is worthwhile in determining if there is indeed a luteal phase problem. See Charting Basics to learn how to chart your basal temperature. If you detect a luteal phase defect, one way to lengthen the luteal phase is with progesterone supplements, and another way is with vitamin B6. Amount of Vitamin B6 to Take Very few multivitamins have a sufficient amount of vitamin B6 in each dose, because the RDA dosage of 2.5 mg is much lower than required to increase fertility. Check the labels to make sure there is a sufficient amount of vitamin B6. Look for B-complex vitamins, which will have higher amounts of B6. Some sources recommend taking 100-200 mg of vitamin B6 a day to help with luteal phase defects. It may be smarter to start out with smaller doses and increase it if it doesn’t work. Always check with your practitioner or doctor before taking megadoses of any vitamin. -odavde sam skinula clanak, koga vise zanima neka progoogla malo IZVORNA PORUKA: daca77 Draga, to sam ja pila 2 ciklusa i lutelna faza mi se vratila na 14~15 dana...pre toga par meseci mi se sve bilo poremetilo, jer sam dobijala u vreme O. Da li od B6 ili ne, ali sredilo se... IZVORNA PORUKA: kika7 Kad smo naprvalili bebu, pored Klomifena i folikometrije i ciljanih odnosa, ja sam pila B6. I uspeli smo. Sad opet radimo sve to gore navedeno ali uz Cikloproginovu. Nisam uzimala B6. Nisam uspela 2-3 meseca da ostanem u drugom stanju. Sad odo da kupim B6 i onda da čekam, folikometriju pa ciljane odnose i da se nadam IZVORNA PORUKA: kika7 Zaboravi da kažem Pijem i Klomifen 3x dnevno, Cikloproginovu i Aspirin 100 koji je dobar jer razređuje krv. Jer gusta krv može da bude problem da se oplođena jajna ćelija zakači za matericu i da dobija krv preko nje.
< Poruku je uredio Ana RR -- 4.8.2010 12:59:20 >
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Jer smo tako u mogućnosti!