dejana007 -> RE: Bazalna temperatura - 2. deo (24.12.2009 9:41:49)
Dobro jutro [image][/image] Ovako moja istorija: doktor me pregledao pre tacno nedelju dana, i rekao da imam par folikula koji se sporo razvijaju. Jedan bio oko 17mm, 21 dana ciklusa, iako pila 2 klomifena dnevno 5 dana ( ali pila i dovicin i hemomicin - zbog ureaplazme, i ginekolog kaze da te tablete ne uticu na efikasnost klomifena, a farmaceuti mi kazu da utice .... Ne znam sta da mislim... ) Plus mi je rekao da imam mikrocisticne jajnike, i da zato treba jaca doza klomifena tj jaca stimulacija ( narednog meseca 3 tableta dnevno ). Inace, posto volim da se raspitujem i umem da progooglam po netu, pitala drugog ginekologa o ovoj terapiji a on mi je rekao da je cudo sto moj doktor nije odmah video da imam mikrocisticne jajnike a ne tek posle 2 meseca tertapije... Ako sledeceg meseca nista ne bude, i ako mi usled koriscenja klomifena izostane O i po bazalnoj T, a ranije je imala menjam doktora. Izvinjavam se na prosirivanju teme, ali morala. I jedan savet - ne verujte slepo samo jednom doktoru [image][/image] No, posto imam neredovne cikluse, a i merila predhodna 2 meseca bazalnu, ona mi je O pokazivala na 28 do 30 d.c, tako da ja resila, mimo folikulometrije da pratim T i utvrdim dal cu imati O ovog meseca ili ne. Makar i onu potencijalnu, sa isprekidanim crticama. Evo grafikona - ove pocetne visoke T su zbog tableta koje sam pila ( hemomicin, dovicin, klomifen ) a posle tih terapija nista nisam pila, zbog toga smatram da mi je posle tih terapija glavna i ispravna temperatura. Sta vi mislite dal ce skociti T ovih dana ili ce ipak biti anovulatorni ciklus? Ja cu ipak muckati redovno ovih dana, pocev od sinoc. Mislila sam cak i da obrisem ove temperature koje sam imala pod terapijom i da ostavim odkad se stabilizovala. [img][/img] A ovo sta mi pise na Info Tidbits: Luteinizing Hormone(LH) and Your Fertility Signs. Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is the last hormone to peak before ovulation and is the hormone responsible for triggering the rupture of the ovarian sac that releases the egg at ovulation. This hormone can be measured by ovulation prediction kits (OPKs) and fertility monitors that use chemicals to identify its presence in your urine. The presence of increased amounts of LH in your urine, as detected by OPKs, usually means that you will ovulate within 12-24 hours but this can vary slightly depending on your own hormonal profile. LH is not released all at once, but rather it rises and falls for about 24-48 hours. The LH rise usually begins in the early morning while you are sleeping and it takes 4-6 hours for it to appear in your urine after that. For this reason, first morning urine may not give the best result. Testing mid-day is usually recommended. It is important to follow the instructions of your OPK for maximum results. Many women like ovulation prediction kits, even though they are not able to confirm or pinpoint ovulation precisely, because they can tell you that ovulation is imminent. It is important, however, not to rely exclusively on OPKs for timing intercourse and identifying your most fertile time. This is because you may already be fertile before your OPK turns positive. You may like to use them to cross-check your other fertility signs and to offer additional clues about impending ovulation. They may be especially useful if you have ambiguous charts. If your cycles are irregular or very long, OPKs may be very costly because you may need to use several tests to be sure to catch the LH surge. Ja ne znam ovaj strucni engleski ali ako neko razume i moze, ukratko nek mi objasni sustinu [image][/image] Hvala unapred i izvinite na opsirnosti [image][/image] [image][/image]