Verus -> RE: Imunoloski faktori i VTO (25.1.2010 15:48:00)
The Results When your results come in, your health care provider will help you to interpret the results. There should be three different measurments - one for each type of cardiolipin antibody. - Normal Results: Normal results mean that you have typical levels of cardiolipin antibodies in your blood. Normal IgG is below 23 ug/mL, while normal IgM and IgA is below 11 ug/mL.
- Abnormal Results: Abnormal results indicate that you have higher-than-normal levels of cardiolipin antibody in your blood. Levels that are slightly above 23 ug/mL may not be a cause for concern. Sometimes, cardiolipin antibodies are elevated temporarily due to colds or the flu. Levels that are between 25ug/mL and 70 ug/mL however, may interfere with your ability to become pregnant or carry a pregnancy to term.
After the Test Once you have gotten your test results back, it is important to discuss your options with your health care provider. If you have borderline results, it is probably a good idea to perform the test again in about 6 weeks. This will allow for any fluctuations due to minor illnesses. If your levels are high, you may consider treatment to help control the number of anti-cardiolipin antibodies in your blood. This will reduce your risk of blood clots and hopefully, allow you to conceive and carry a baby to term. Treatments generally involve medication, such as: - baby aspirin
- Heparin
- prednisone
- cyclosporin
- gamma globulin
- plasmapheresis
Ne znam koliko je kostao test, ali mogu biti poviseni usled nekih virusnih infekcija. Preporucuje se da se test ponovi za 6 nedelja, ako je i dalje poviseno onda je stvarno usled imuniteta. Ovo ti je lako resivo cipi, aspirin svaki dan, cim zatrudnis ja bih nastavila sa heparinom tj frexiparinom.....Manje od 2% ljudi ima simptome (tipa trombovi i sl). To je ono sto sam ti pominjala, da dodje do tromboze malih krvnih sudova, i plod jednostavno nema vise cirkulacije u umre, jos u ranim fazama, prvih par nedelja ili meseci. Ne sekiraj se-videces da ces sada izneti i zatrudneti! Bar nije nesto gore,sto je teze resivo. A posle bi ti bilo pametno da ostanes do kraja zivota na asprinu i folnoj kiselini.